Package 4

Daily sleep coaching for 15 days


Meeting or First Consultation

A 60 to 90 minutes videocall. Personalized Sleep Plan: Step by step of the plan costumized for your baby and your family, how to apply the plan each night of the training, troubleshooting, coaching tips on how to survive and solve the awakenings of your child during the night without giving up.


Daily Schedule

For your baby according to his age and family routines and the best ambience that he needs to be able to fall asleep. It will also include good sleep hygiene, nap times, the ideal bedtime for your child, wake up times, as well as food and daily activities.


Gradual Sleep Plan

Changes are not overnight. The pace of the child and the family are respected.


Step by step guide

Customized to the child’s age and family routines, with recommendations about the best ambience that he or she needs to be able to fall asleep.


Follow up

You can send me up to 2 emails during the 2 weeks after the consultation or google meet call, in which you can ask questions, doubts, or challenges you are facing during the application of the sleep plan. 

What else do you need to know


Transitions: It is not advisable to travel, move houses or introduce any big routine changes during the implementation of the programme. It is very important that parents follow the same routine and schedules recommended every day, and that the child sleeps on the same place, so that the new habits and changes can consolidate.

Your commitment to follow the daily routine and Sleep Plan is vital to make sure results can be seen along this new journey of getting a better sleep for you and your family.

Cancelations: In case of consultation cancelations or rescheduling, I should be notified at least one business day in advance so that I can allocate the appointment to another tired family.

Medical conditions: A medical check up with a health professional (Pediatrics, neurologist, etc) is strongly encouraged before starting any form of sleep training. Your child’s sleep patterns or difficulties with sleeping may be symptomatic of a condition for which medical intervention or medical treatment is advised. If you have any reason to believe that your child’s sleep difficulties may be related to a medical condition or that your child has health concerns that may be adversely affected by sleep coaching, it is advisable to consult with your child’s doctor before beginning the sleep coaching process.

Book your free 15-min discovery session here

Sleep coaching

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